The Landes beach is that of postcards. Endless fine sand, the large dune, the blue of the ocean... The image immediately comes to mind. Yet the beach is experienced with the whole body, all the senses. The salty air, the light breeze... The bouquets of heather and pine forest also contribute to the intensity of the painting. One place, a thousand ways to vibrate.
Diving headlong
The Big Blue
We come there first for the Ocean. To take advantage of his generosity. Surfers attack powerful waves in search of adrenaline. Other little swimmers, with buoys screwed to their waists, discover the salty taste of the first splashes.

Exactly under the sun
The right to do nothing at the beach is sacred and celebrated. Sweeping with a slow movement the few grains of sand stranded on the corner of the towel is tolerated and that's all. Spontaneous meditation, “close your eyes and feel the sun silently tan your salty skin…”
Walk with the grain
Bare feet in the sand
Sometimes soft, sometimes dry with the waves, this soft soil alone symbolizes the holidays. When we tread this border between land and sea, we know we are privileged. The embodiment of the ephemeral, sand stimulates us to live in the present moment. Freed from our shoes, every step is felt. The weather is no longer the same, wandering aimlessly along the coast becomes a goal in itself. Few walkers will resist the call of driftwood. Bring back your “treasure”… Soon, one of them will be chosen and erected as a trophy, sentinel of memories.

Bathe under expert eyes
Supervised swimming
Rubbing shoulders with the wild and powerful space that is the ocean cannot be done just anyhow. The beach never looks the same, it plays with the swell and the tides. This daily surprise has a crazy charm and the ocean excels in this area. To enjoy swimming 100%, the lifeguards watch over everyone. Discreet, qualified, they transform worries into moments of joy and allow you to fully appreciate these unique moments.
The two-tone red and yellow flags have replaced the blue flags, previously used to demarcate surveillance zones. Get as much advice as possible from the lifeguards on the beaches
Build proudly
Sand castle
Whatever the diligence of the builders, the Ocean will win. However, every day, crowds of squatting people will try their luck. What a pleasure to share these 100% intimate moments... Young and old alike, armed with a bucket, set themselves the task of stopping the waves by building sand towers. Adjoining the castle, the princesses will demand the construction of a swimming pool decorated with shells.
Push the cork
Surf casting

Another beach, mysterious and wonderful. Being present at night, sometimes all night, to hope to bring back a catch in the early morning. Will the ocean be generous? It’s a risky bet every time. But coastal fishermen know that they will be rewarded, even empty-handed. Only they will hear the resonances of the waves and the surf in the middle of the silence. Only they will be present when the clouds dissipate, revealing these billions of invisible stars on the other side of the dune.
Breathe, you’re in the Landes!
The fresh air of the morning, the little salty breeze, a warmer wind in the afternoon, captivating in the evening... No matter the time of day, breathe deeply.
Activate all senses
The beach Well-being
Here the four elements of nature come together: the water of the ocean, the sandy earth, the fire of the sun's rays, the air of the sea breeze. A sensory experience par excellence, Yoga at the beach appeals to our 5 senses. The decompression is total, carried by nature showing the way towards harmony.

Dancing on the waves
Slide on the water. Surfers come here to satisfy their passion in a setting that perfectly reflects their quest: perfect communion. The challenge is personal. It's about seizing the opportunities that the Ocean will offer here, now and transforming them into adrenaline. Present time. What's more ephemeral than a wave? Each wave surfed will be experienced as a gift.